Rice is a versatile grain that is consumed by people all over the world. There are over 7,000 types of rice serving as a staple food for many countries, such as Korea, China, Japan and india. The most common varieties here in the US are white and brown rice.
White rice is the most commonly consumed type, but brown rice is also a popular option. Want to know why? Let’s dive straight in.
All types of rice consist of carbs, with small amounts of protein. However, brown rice is a WHOLE GRAIN, meaning it contains all parts of the grain, including the fibroid bran, nutritious germ, and the carb-rich endosperm. It is more chewy and takes a while to cook due to its touch bran exterior, but it is waaay more nutritious. White rice, on the other hand, has the bran and germ removed (the nutritious part of the grain), leaving it with very few essential nutrients. However, is it softer and quicker to cook.
Brown rice has several advantages from a health perspective:
The bottom line, white rice and brown rice are high in starch, brown rice has more fiber, nutrients and antioxidants.
Altalena tip: When eating white rice, add lentils and vegetables to ensure that you are having a balanced meal.
Brown rice has a more favorable nutrition profile, but there’s nothing wrong with having white rice as a part of a balanced diet.
Click here to get our organic brown rice and our organic green lentils.